India. which has no profit with economic development of India ....these families of real India are struggling to fulfil there basic requirement "roti" "kapda" "makan" and "education" . But even India has achieved g.d.p growth rate more then 8% which has no meaning for these families of real India. but my question is when the "Real India" will achieve this g.d.p growth rate..
what a joke!!!!!!!!
are the riches of india from outside land or from other solar system
i m not saying that there is lack of rich people in India as compared to any other nation. but u know that the %age of rich man in India is very less with respect to population of India so only by the change in the standard of rich man of India situation of India will not change very much.
nice work dude..........
keep going.......
my comment wasn't to discourage u.. i only wanted to say u must not have said it 'real india'...saying that was like an english man saying "bhikmangon ka desh" it insults our nation dear....i agree that there isn't fair distribution of economy in our country...but "riches" does not mean rich people..it means all of the good and better things that india has to offer to the world....then how can only poverty be the reality of india...
I think there are two faces of our nation ,INDIa,BHARAT ........YET NOW a huge mass of population is residing in the era of BHARAT means they are unknown from modern life........living below poverty line.........but in iandian era peoples saying himselves as more fassionable& modern.......so,there should be equality in our society...............thanks......to made such types of community.......................
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