Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Top 10 Most Popular Food Items in the World

Food is an essential part of our lives and everyone has a different take on what is the most popular food item on a menu. For this list let us have a look at what is the most recognizable food item in the world, something that we order for our take-outs or something that we always fall back upon when we are looking for a quick and tasty meal. It can loosely be termed as fast food, though some of these may not fall in that category.

1. Ice Cream:
Is there a soul left in this world who has not tasted ice-cream? The ultimate soul food, ice cream has, like many of the food items listed below, adapted itself to local flavours. The most prevalent flavours are vanilla, chocolate and strawberry but there are many places which boast of over 30 flavours. Yummy, mouth watering, and so much fun to eat, ice cream probably tops the list of all popular food items

2. Chocolates:
However a close contender for the most popular food item would be chocolates. Big or small, with fruit fillings or with nuts, dark or milk, the choices are endless. The Swiss claim to have invented it and Cadbury’s claim to have popularised it, and lovers all over the world claim it to be the ultimate aphrodisiac. With choices ranging from the simple Kit Kat’s to the ultimate luxury brands; there are few people who can say that they do not love chocolates!

3. Pizza:
There are few places in the world where a pizza joint is not present! Apart from the inevitable Dominoes and Pizza Huts, there are often some local eating places which will serve you their version of pizza, with some local spices and vegetables added to them. Quick to make and easy to home deliver, pizzas are very popular among the young and old alike.

4. Burgers:
McDonald’s can and do claim credit for popularising the hamburger throughout the world. Children love them and even though the parents are not too sure about the nutritional quality of the burgers, they inevitably give in and take their children to the nearest burger joints. Here also, the burgers have adapted themselves to the local cuisines and traditional taboos.

5. French Fries and Potato Chips:
Where there are burgers – there are French fries. We have combined them with potato chips to make them one category – since both are basically variations of the very popular potato. When well made and correctly fried, French fries can be quite nice and definitely filling.

6. Noodles and Chicken in Garlic Sauce (or any other variation):
Noodles and Chinese chicken or lamb or pork are great light and tasty dishes to get home delivered. Light on the stomach and calories, these are high on the popularity scale. Basically all Chinese dishes accompanied by noodles or rice are being classified in this category, proof of the fact that Chinese food is very well-liked and served all over the world.

7. Chicken Tikka Masala:
Believed to the most popular food item in Britain, this is one of Indian foods most popular dishes. Once again it is light to eat, it is not fried and has some great Indian spices. They have even invented a pizza with chicken tikka masala as a topping.

8. Kentucky Fried Chicken:
The KFC logo is recognisable all over the world and is one of the most frequented places when people are seeking a quick bite of chicken. There have been many other offshoots, but fried chicken has been associated with KFC so long that it has become a kind of generic name for it.

9. Tandoori Chicken:
If there is an Indian restaurant or take-out anywhere in the vicinity, you can be sure that it will have tandoori chicken on it’s menu. When made well, it is a delicious dish and is often served with the Indian bread known as Naan and some pickle and chutneys.

10. Thai Green Curry and Rice:
Thai food has achieved immense popularity all over the world and the most prevalent dishes are the Thai green curry or red curry served with rice. Lightly spiced, or with a fair sprinkling of chillies – if you like it hot, it is delectable and scrumptious.

Author: Jennifer Duncan

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

what a verdict it is .....

What a verdict given by Indian to elect new govt .......
1) Rejection of regional party
After 1990 the there was a significant increase in strength & number of regional party due to which there was problem of a stable govt at the center . Mr. H.D.Dewgoda , I.k gujral ,and A.b vajpayee cant form a stable govt at the center only after reelection vajpayee form a alliance govt of 24 parties . .His concentration was more on alliance partyrather then development and he felt difficult to run the govt to 5 yr but he succeeds by his own enormous effort & experience ......After that it was turn of manmohan singh to run alliance govt which includes left parties. At men juncture left parties withdraw their support referring to their old philosophy....after two alliance govt voters understand that regional party not only blocking the path of development but also they are fulfilling their demand due to which this time voters have given less power to regional party and showing the way of end of these parties
2)Rejection of candidate of criminal background
In this election voter had completely rejected candidate of criminal background.before this election in Bihar and U.P bahubali candidate were elected in a significant number. But this trend is now a history. This shows that Indian voter have changes their way of thinking on issue of voting..
3) %age of young m.p increases.
More no of younger m.p this time under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi ...
No. of first timer has also increases significantly. 40 no of first timer alone from U.P equal to half of total up seat.21 & 17 first timer from Bihar & Rjasthan
4) Verdict on the issue of Development
voters of Bihar, Orissa, Delhi, Gujrat, Chatisgarh, M.P had given their verdict to that party which has done more development work in their state . some regional party like JD(U), BJD has done well despite the poor performance of other regional party because they have given good governance to their state..

some new trends in this election was
1) use of internet by all parties for campaign
2)use of facebook and Orkut to reach voter
3)campus drive by Milind deora for party campaign .

Saturday, April 11, 2009

festival monthof democracy of biggest democratic country

India the biggest democratic country of world is going to celebrate festival month of democracy. every political party is doing his best to win more no of seats in this election...they are using "sam dam dand bhed" technique for wining more no of seats.
One fact is quite clear is that any single party can't form the govt . So they are campaigning to form the collation govt .There are 4 collation at this time 1) UPA 2) NDA 3 ) THIRD FRONT 4) newly formed FOURTH FRONT.
In this post I talk about 4th front .It consist of 3 party S.P of Mulayam singh R.J.D of Lalu prasad yadav and L.J.P of Ramvilas paswan ..
In which L.J.P is the most opportunist party of India.. After birth it is member of every collation govt no matter govt is headed by B.J.P or Congress .At the time of every election it formthe collation with that party which looks stronger no matter previously it was partner of other party. This time it broke the collation with U.P.A and form a new collation with S.P and R.J.D . L.J.P has a unique record of being partner and opponent of each party ( even that its history is very small) u cant predict about this party that after election it will form collation with which party but it is sure that it will be a member of govt and its chairman will also take ministry..
Now comes to R .J.D in my view it is not a party but it is a one man gang. Lalu Prasad is that man who never believes his party man .whenever a partyman get popularity he sack that person from party . u can also called him “Ghotala man”. He is also responsible for backwardness of bihar during his party regime from form 1990 -2005 . in 1997 when he was force to leave the chair of chief minister by opponent and also by party man then he forced Rabri Devi(his wife) as a cm no matter she is illiterate or she was not a party member or even she don’t know the ABCD of politics …but as railway minister he done good ..
S.P it is better then the above two party but it has also some char of above two party . like R.J.D it is also a two man gang of Mulam singh and Amar singh . every one knows that what type of politics they played with congress at the time of nuclear deal . in today’s world(world of computerization and globalization) party manifesto imphasis is on to stop the computerization and english .
All these above 3 party are the part of UPA govt (part time or full time ) even they are not fighting election with congress . There is a big politics behind it they don’t want that congress strength improves in Bihar and Up which contributes 22% of LS seat. But after election it is also sure that two of these party will be in the collation govt if congress will form the govt

Saturday, November 29, 2008

A series of 60 hour match between terorist and indian security gaurd live telecasted on diffrent news channel...................
Commentators........media person of differnt news channel
Stadium...................1)Taj hotel
2)Obrai hotel
3)Nirman house
4) colaba
5)chatrapati shivaji terminal
Spectator................ hostage inside Taj, Obrai & Nirman house
Empire.................... 1)chief minister of maharastra
2)union home minister
Match refree.......... no one
Result .................. terrorist won the match by 195 run
Man of the match....... 14 security gaurd of indian security gaurd including hament karakre
Award given to man of the match..............death
Conclusion .......................even after losing the match host is very happy with the way they host the match also they happy because host team got man of the match award....

And lastly live commentry of the match was very nice

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Raj thakre a "DESHDROHI"

Raj thakre was not a famous but after raising the issue of Maharastrian vs North indian he bacame a famous man in india.. even i did not know about him 1 yr before...As the election is coming nearer he is raising the the issue " maharstrian vs North indian"....He is thinking that he will won the maharastrian heart ,it may be possible
But when ever maharastrian go to the north indian state , north indian love them , they will not hate Maharastrian unlike them.
At the time of indipendence Sardarbalav bhai patel work hard to unite the varoius kingdom as a part of india but at present the Raj wants to devide the india........
His party workers r giving the reason that due to north indian people the maharsatrian r lossing their chance of any type of job(govt job or private job), but this jobs are open for all indian ,who will be more talented will got the job. If they have talent then take it and they should challenge the north india..

Thursday, October 30, 2008


India is know for "unity in diversity"......
Is this statment is true at present time  with regard to the 

   1)    conflict between people of maharastra and north indian.
   2)    conflict between northwestern state and hindi language speaker.
   3)    communal riots among Hindu ,Muslim and Chirstian.
   4)    Recent bomb blast in Asam, delhi, malegaon, ahamdabad,banglore, and jaipur.
   5)    Issue like nandigram and singur.
   6)    Amarnath land problem....

Sunday, July 20, 2008

kalam's thuoght

“There are many Everests in the life of man.
It is not the mountain we conquer , but ourselves”.


Courage to think different,
Courage to invent,
Courage to travel into an unexplored path,
Courage to discover the impossible,
Courage to combat the problems
and succeed,
Are the unique qualities of the youth.
As a youth of my nation,
I will work and work with courage to achieve success in all the missions.

“Learning gives creativity
Creativity leads to thinking
Thinking provides knowledge
Knowledge makes you great”

"Where there is righteousness in the heart
There is beauty in the character.
When there is beauty in the character,
There is harmony in the home.
When there is harmony in the home.
There is order in the nation.
When there is order in the nation,
There is peace in the world."